Ключевые слова:
magnit maydon gradiyenti, analog-raqamli konvertor, radiochastota intensivligi, Magnit Rezonans Tomografiya (MRT).Аннотация
ushbu maqolada magnit rezonans tomografiya ishlash prinsipi, yaratilish tarixi va inson tanasiga ta’sir yoritilgan.
Библиографические ссылки
Magnetic resonant tomography – K.Uestbruk
Possibilities of using molecular diagnostic devices in the clinical laboratory, V Maksudov, E Ermetov, B Bobajanov, J Abdurazzokov, U Safarov. Science and innovation 2 (D4), 46-49.
Tibbiy qurimalarni kompyuter texnologiyalari yordamida modellashtirish Abdurazzoqov JT., Isaev FF., Ermetov EYa., Innovations in technology and science education.
Tibbiyot sohasida differensial tenglamalarning qo‘llanishi, VG Maxsudov, EY Ermetov, UQ Safarov, MK Norbutayeva, Образование наука и инновационные идеи в мире 15 (1), 135-142
Biotibbiyot sohasida elektronika fanini o‘rganishda kompyuter texnologi-yalaridan foydalanish, ОШ Ходжаев, ЖТ Абдураззоков, НУ Абдуллаева, ПЭ Отахонов, Образование наука и инновационные идеи в мире.
Tibbiyot sohasida differensial tenglamalarning qo‘llanishi, Russia: Obrazovanie Nauca I Innovatsionnye Idei V Mire. C.-126-132 VG Maxsudov, EY Ermetov, UQ Safarov, MK Norbutayeva.
It technologies in modern medicine, VG Maxsudov, EY Ermetov, AZ Sobirjonov, JT Abdurazzoqov, IB Zuparov, Ministry of higher and secondary special education of the republic of.
Accuracy and reliability of equipment used in the measurement of medical devices, JT Abdurazzokov, UP Mamadalieva, NU Abdullaeva, Procedia of Engineering and Medical Sciences 6(2795-563X), 126-127.
Procedia of engineering and medical sciences, MUP. Abdurazzoqov J.T., Abdullayeva N.U., Proceedings of the International Congress on "Medical Improvement and.
Tibbiy qurilmalarni o‘lchash va tahlillar tizimlarini avtomatlashtirish, NU Abdullayeva, UP Mamadaliyeva, JT Abdurazzoqov Research and education 2 (4), 280-283.
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