
  • Jamalatdinov Sherzad Minajatdin Uli Author
  • Jumamuratov Bexzod Akramjonovich Author
  • Eshmuradov Dilshod Elmuradovich Author


Kinetik usul,, VK-9 keramika yelim,, havo kemasi, monitoring, kompozit materiallar(KM),, radioshaffoflik,, elektromagnitlik, yutish koeffitsienti, nanokompazitlar.


Keyingi o‘n yilliklarda aviatsiya sanoatida kompozit materiallardan foydalanish sezilarli darajada oshib bormoqda. Kompozit materiallar – bu ikki yoki undan ortiq tarkibiy elementlarning birikmasidan tashkil topgan, yuqori mustahkamlik, engillik va aerodinamik xususiyatlarga ega bo‘lgan materiallardir. Ular an’anaviy metall materiallarga nisbatan vazni yengil, korroziyaga chidamlilik va yaxshi radioshaffoflik kabi afzalliklarga ega.Ushbu maqolada kompozit materiallarning radioshaffoflik darajasini monitoring qilish va ularning metrologik ta’minoti tahlil qilingan. 


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Jumamuratov B.A., Eshmuradov D.E. A mathematical model for studying the reaction of an aircraft engine blade to a bird strike // Международной научнопрактической конференции, «новые возможности устойчивого развития горных регионов: инновации и сотрудничество», посвященной 60-летию Ошского технологического университета имени м.м. адышева ош 2023 Известия ОшТУ,

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Jumamuratov B.A. Kompozit materiallarning radioshaffofligini o’lchashning metrologik asoslari // Islom Karimov nomidagi Toshkent davlat texnika universiteti xalqaro ilmiy-texnik anjuman «Elektromexаnik vа elektrotexnologik tizimlаrni rаqаmlаshtirishning dolzаrb muаmmolаri» 21-22 may 2024-yil-C.250-256.






Technical Sciences

How to Cite

AVIATSIYA SANOATIDA QO‘LLANILADIGAN KOMPOZIT MATERIALLARINING RADIOSHAFFOFLIGINI MONITORING QILISH USULLARI . (2025). Innovations in Science and Technologies, 2(1), 49-57. https://innoist.uz/index.php/ist/article/view/619


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