
  • Amina Numonova Muallif


“Mini Anne”, mannequin, CPR, volunteering program, high-tech education


In recent decades, due to the obvious advantages, the use of high technologies in medical education has been gaining huge momentum. Thus, in Uzbekistan, starting from the 2023/2024 academic year, the theoretical and practical knowledge and skills of undergraduate, graduate and clinical residency students will be evaluated using special robot simulators without the human factor. According to the «Roadmap» approved by the presidential decree оn measures for the effective organization of public administration in the field of healthcare within the framework of administrative reform, the task was set to purchase simulators for medical higher educational institutions and institutions for advanced training and retraining of medical workers at the expense of extra-budgetary funds. This equipment is being installed at the facilities. In this situation, the method of teaching how to work with these devices is becoming more and more relevant.




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